Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello : Francesco Russotto
Destination Wedding in the province of Parma
Wedding photographer : Marc and Zaira.

Location: Ancient village of Tabiano Castello


The pre-party party at Ca ‘de Poi

Here we are at my second Destination Wedding in the beautiful Village of Tabiano Castello in the province of Parma . The newlywed couple is called Marc and Zaira. I meet the newlyweds the night before, as they were throwing a pre-party party at Ca ‘de Poi , with their relatives and friends. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


I arrive just in time for Marc’s speech. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


There is an air of joy and participation on the part of all! castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


We dance and talk in complete relaxation. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Meanwhile, the newlyweds pamper themselves. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The next day, the preparation takes place in the same farmhouse. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The weather is mild and a beautiful warm sun welcomes us. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Guests and relatives are in complete relaxation. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Marc was waiting for me to start dressing.
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castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Shoes. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,

castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Twins… With the kind help of dad.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The witness …castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The bow tie helped by his son. Maybe the bow tie is to be reviewed as accommodation 🙂castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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The vest. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


And the jacket!castello, destination, photographer, marriage, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Et voilà, Marc is ready!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Ours, James Bond!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Zaira prepares a floor above. Smiling and well disposed.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Like all the people around her.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello 2017


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castello, destination, photographer, marriage, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


castello, destination, photographer, marriage, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


castello, destination, photographer, marriage, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


castello, destination, photographer, marriage, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


castello, destination, photographer, marriage, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Zaira is beautiful in her wedding dress.castello, destination, photographer, marriage, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Earrings.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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Latest adjustments.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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We are ready.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


We go out to join the groom.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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The walk in the village of Tabiano Castello

It’s the first time I’ve ever reversed the walk and the ceremony. The bride and groom decide to meet before the ceremony.
The groom is turned from behind, and the bride arrives without him seeing her. A little bit what happens in the church, but outdoors.
Marc is about to see his beloved.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The emotion is strong …castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Aren’t they beautiful !?castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Together they walk towards the castle where the outdoor ceremony will take place.
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castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


We take the opportunity to take some pictures.
Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello 2017


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… cuddles.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


We arrive at the entrance of the castle and while we wait for the guests to take their seats, we take other shots.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Moira is beautiful.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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Marc is truly elegant.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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We pass inside so as not to be seen.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello 2017


Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello 2017


I really enjoyed the backlights on this wedding!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,

The civil ceremony outside the castle

Almost there, the guests are about to arrive.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The set-ups are beautiful and everything goes perfectly. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Everything is ready, while Marc welcomes. castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The bride is coming.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,

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Here we are.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,

Marc’s father celebrates the rite.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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Beautiful !!!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The two newlyweds leave the guests to enter the part relating to the aperitifs.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Passing inside the castle, we take more photos. The bride and groom peek at the guests from the window.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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This is one of my favorite photos from the shoot!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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Discover the photos taken in the location during the party

Here they are ! Ready to celebrate with all their guests!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


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Hugs and moments of strong emotions.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Group photo!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


The room is ready!
Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello 2017


Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello 2017


The time for aperitifs and buffets is over, the sun is gone.
It’s time for dinner.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Lovely place, lovely spouses!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Let’s Dance.castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


Launch of the bouquet!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


And cut the cake!castello, destination, photographer, wedding, parma, photographer, tabiano, wedding,


A very beautiful wedding that of Marc and Zaira.
Full of real emotions, moments of strong feeling and beautiful people emotionally involved.
The splendid setting of Tabiano Castelllo then embellished everything perfectly.
I am very happy to have had the privilege of telling this love story.
Guys, I wish you a world of good!

Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello

Wedding Photographer Tabiano Castello, Marc and Zaira. Wedding photo report in the province of Parma.

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