Portrait Fine-Art

The style of Francesco Russotto

Art and Creativity



DIRECTLY WHERE YOU WANT! … or in my study !

I present to you another artistic SKIN of mine that combines photography, art and creativity; passing through territories without rules and without paths to follow. Free from any preconception and any constraint: FINE-ART PORTRAITS.

If you are wondering what the Fine-Art Portrait is, I will paste you a description found on the Internet:

Fine-Art Portrait is an objectively complex photographic genre, not only from a technical point of view. Only a professional with the right sensitivity and experience can succeed, elevating a portrait to an artistic photograph and not to a simple reproduction of the external appearance of an individual”

A passion, that of the photographic portrait that I have been carrying inside for a long time and that I decided to make available to create an unusual, unique and immortal portrait.

If you like the idea and you intend to get involved, having a portrait made or commissioning a portrait on your behalf, contact me by filling out the FORM below. You will receive all the economic and logistical information you need without any obligation.

Fotografo Ritratto 02


So I want to explain how it works, so that you can make your own considerations, especially human ones 🙂

My Fine Art portraits are not caricatures (like those made by some artists so to speak), they are not intended to make people look “beautiful” (in the absolute sense of the term) as a model.
This kind of “portraits” pass through my eye and my soul, they are “artistic” portraits; a representation of what I perceive in that moment from the person I am portraying and they carry all my professional experience and equipment inside.

It is not an image that is obtained with a “point and shoot” and then some filters in Photoshop to understand … In short, if you commission me a portrait, it is because you want “my” portrait …

Having said that, let’s move on to the organizational and practical side.

Fotografo Ritratto Francesco Russotto


My portraits have two phases, the first phase is that of the photographic shot, with the lights, the clothes, the objects, the make-up and obviously the subject to be photographed.
The second phase is the post-production, which I create by myself, that is to manipulate, recolor, adjust or modify the photo made on the computer.
The photo session can be done in my studio, or I can come to your home or to the place we deem most appropriate to be represented.
This option is very useful in case you want to be contextualized in an environment that characterizes the portrait.
Obviously the services have different costs depending on the needs and the number of people involved.
If you want to create portraits that contain several people, you can also plan to rent an ad hoc photo studio.
However, only the first part can be quantified in terms of time, because the second is unpredictable, it can last a day, like a week …

Migliore Fotografo Ritratto


Having said that, do you have no say in what will be represented?

Well, no come on 🙂 My intent is to give back something that you still like and therefore I have to try to take a path that we share.

How can this be done? Together you can decide the “mood” of the portrait, or the “theme”.

This phase must be done with great care, before shooting.

Pre-production is a phase that requires a lot of attention, but which saves a lot of time in the shooting phase.

I’ll give you a practical example … Do you like classic 18th century painting style portraits or does your daughter like them and butterflies?
So, we will skim some pictures of paintings on the internet and together we will select a painting that will act as an “inspiration” for the portrait, also with regard to any lights, clothes or objects to wear.

In this way, we will know which direction to go and will save a lot of time.

Fotografo di Ritratti
In conclusion, ask me for information and let me know what you have in mind by filling out the form listed at the end of this page.
Even if you want to create: family portraits, fashion portraits or corporate portraits, it is not certain that they cannot be made with a pinch of creativity, don’t you think?
If you intend to exhibit a portrait or if you want to insert a particular portrait on your corporate, professional or personal website, entrust yourself to a creative portrait photographer.

Some examples of Fine-Art Portraits


Francesco Russotto

Francesco Russotto

Creative Fine Art Photographer

My name is Francesco Russotto and I have always been involved in photography and image. I had the pleasure of participating, for several years, in the creation of many visual productions for national and international clients, in the context of video clips, commercials and cinema.

Director of digital photography, responsible for lighting and setting up virtual environments / sets.
I am a professional photographer, member of TAU VISUAL (professional photographers association) and WPJA (Photojournalist Association).

If you are interested in your personalized Fine-Art portrait, that includes: family portrait photographer, female portrait photographer, fashion portrait photographer, corporate portrait photographer, personal portrait photographer, fill out the form to request information.

Quote Fine-Art Portrait: Leave a Message

Personal data treatment

1 + 13 =

I’ve been lucky enough to realize works with and for some major companies such as:

Agip, Allianz, Acea, Ariston, Axed, Bulgari, Belte’, Coca Cola, Chronotech, Corriere della Sera, Cirio, Carpisa, Esercito Italiano, Euronics, Direct2Brain, Ferrero, Fiat, Gazzenda, Lancia, Lete, Lines, L’Espresso, La Repubblica, Meliconi, Pantene, Parmalat, Raid, RAI, Vodafone, Sammontana, Simmenthal, Sky, Star and many more…

And also to collaborate on realizing the post production of some music videos such as:

Jovanotti – Video musicale “Tanto, tanto”
Planet Funk – Video musicale “Every Day”
Tiromancino – Video “Imparare dal vento”
Planet Funk – Video “Stop me”
Subsonica – Video “Incantevole”
Planet Funk – Video musicale “It’s your time”
Mina – Video musicale “Alibi”
Ramazzotti “Il tempo tra di noi”
Illustrazione stereoscopica : “Lancia Alice”
Spot televisivo : “Buscopan”, “Euronics Coda”, “Protactive”, “Lines petalo blu”, “Raid”, “Hot Point Ariston”, “Momentlocaldol”
“Regione Marche con Dustin Hoffman

Inoltre : Tachifludec, Icona – Animazione 3D Istitutizionale Coppa Malu’ Parmalat– Spot TV MeliconiRCS – Collana La storia dell’uomo, Buscofen – Collana Topolino StarChronotechRAID – Spot TV Internazionale Allianz 3 – Spot Tv Passata Cirio – Spot televisivo “I viaggi del’uomo”, Piero e Alberto Angela Ciak – Illustrazione per Lancia (agosto) Carpisa – Illustrazione per Lancia (luglio) 
Allianz 2 – Acqua Lete – Spot “Militare” Ciak – Illustrazione per Lancia (maggio) Mini serie Tv – “Giro di vite”
Acqua Lete Spot “Sfera”
Acqua Lete – Spot “Bollezza”
, Sammontana , Corriere della sera Collana Paperino, pubblicità Tv
 Pantene Pubblicita’ per web
Filmaster – Eros Kinder – Codini per Campagna  Allianz – The Sun, Sammontana – Vedo solo te, Spot tv Simmenthal – Fotografia matrimonio Roma- Sta bene con tutti, spot  Pompei – Film tv Agip – Blue Diesel, EspressoAceaFiat Grande Punto, Spot europeo Casanova – Set Supervisor per Film Tv Graffio di tigre Gazzenda – Intervento di Bullet Time per lo spot turco “Lac” Video musicale internazionale della cantante Hande FilmMaster – Video musicale internazionale “Gangsta Walkin”, Coolio e Snoop Dogg
, Bulgari BZero – Spot Mondiale  Aboca Seditivax Bio – Spot Tv  Lisomucil – Torino – Olimpiadi Invernali  – Fotografo Roma – Sigla Acqua Lete – Campagna pubblicitaria Belte’ – Sopt Tv  Lorenzo – Video “Tanto tanto tanto” Espresso – Casanova – Commissario Soneri Vodafone – “Music is everywhere” Vodafone – “Videowall” Coca Cola – “Mondo” Esercito Italiano – 


You can contact me also by Skype (f.russotto) or Facebook.

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